1. Yank Me A game of steady-handed stacking and precision demolishing of paper-cup towers. Can be played solo, as a race, or in teams. You will need: Three medium sized index cards per player. They need to be big enough to fit a paper cup on top of. If you can’t find index cards, try…
Category: Party Games
These activities and games are useful for all kinds of parties. They are memorable, hilarious, entertaining, interesting… you name it. They are definitely not boring!
Late Arrivals Game
The Late Arrivals Game is an entertaining word/talking game popular in the United Kingdom. Each player takes a turn as the toastmaster of a fancy ball, introducing the guests of the ball in a funny way.
Wedding Shoe Game
The Wedding Shoe Game is a great way to create laughs and memories after the ceremony. The shoe game is ideal for a wedding because it allows the whole audience to participate, while still focusing on the newlyweds. There is no limit to the amount of players that can participate. Guests can get to know…
Sparkle Game
Sparkle is a great group game that can be done as a warm up to get the brain thinking. Traditionally, it is played as a spelling game, but you can also do it with math problems, a memory verse, or focus on a specific subject instead. It’s a fun way to study previously learned or…
3 Games of Intimate Cooperation
1. Pucker Up You won’t kiss anyone in this game, but you won’t be far off. The game challenges you to carry a tennis ball between the mouths of two players. Get in sync with your partner or risk dropping the ball and ruining the mood. You will need 3 tennis balls per team A…
Quick Questions
This simple game involves creativity, silliness and the ability to get to know one another’s way of thinking! What will you need? Pen and paper for each player, and a timer How to play Quick Questions 1. Have each player write down three “would you rather” questions that involve no physical activity or movement –…
Funny Icebreaker Questions
What are some funny icebreaker questions that you can use for your classroom or work event? Check out this guide for several excellent (and hilarious!) questions that you can use. Here are several discussion starters that you can use to break the ice! These questions are sure to make your group laugh and giggle, especially…
Telephone Pictionary Game
Telephone Pictionary is a hilarious blend between the telephone game and the dictionary drawing game. Phrases need to be drawn, and other players try to draw them. As the books continue to be passed along the line, the message starts to get lost! There will be guaranteed laughs as everyone tries to guess and draw…
Screaming Viking Game
Screaming Viking is a stationary/active/party game that is highly interactive and silly. Players must correctly act out interesting things such as a “screaming viking,” a “chia pet,” “power rangers,” and other funny things. This game is good for children age 9 and up. It’s an excellent game for parties and families. The ideal number of players…
Truth or Dare Game
Truth or Dare is a classic party game that can lead to some memorable fun. A player chooses to answer a question truthfully or to do a crazy dare in front of all the other players. Truth or Dare works best with medium sized groups. Not many materials are required, although it can be helpful…