Wink Murder is a fun party game in a secret “killer” winks at people in the eye in order to get them eliminated. Try to identify who the wink murderer is before he murders everyone! Setup for Wink Murder This game requires no special materials at all, making it a very convenient game to play.…
Category: Party Games
These activities and games are useful for all kinds of parties. They are memorable, hilarious, entertaining, interesting… you name it. They are definitely not boring!
Who Am I
Who Am I? is a guessing game where you use the traits and characteristics of famous, historical, or company figures to break the ice with each other. Any sized group can play — you are only limited by your own imagination! Materials required are sticky nametags and a marker. Self-adhesive white Avery labels work great.…
Strange Disease Diagnosis Game
Uh oh, for some reason the patient is is acting really strange! We’ll need to guess what illness does he or she have? The Strange Disease Diagnosis Game (which also goes by several other names, including the Mysterious Illness Game, Doctor Game, Psychiatrist Game, or Diagnosis Game) is a fun party game that involves some…
Ultimate Ninja Game
Ultimate Ninja is one of the fastest, most hilarious party games out there. The primary goal to be the quickest ninja warrior by hitting another player’s hand — while dodging other player’s ninja attacks! This activity works best with about ten people in a group. If you have a very large group, subdivide into groups of…
6 Challenging Party Games With Paper Cups
1. Yank Me A game of steady-handed stacking and precision demolishing of paper-cup towers. Can be played solo, as a race, or in teams. You will need: Three medium sized index cards per player. They need to be big enough to fit a paper cup on top of. If you can’t find index cards, try…
Late Arrivals Game
The Late Arrivals Game is an entertaining word/talking game popular in the United Kingdom. Each player takes a turn as the toastmaster of a fancy ball, introducing the guests of the ball in a funny way.
Wedding Shoe Game
The Wedding Shoe Game is a great way to create laughs and memories after the ceremony. The shoe game is ideal for a wedding because it allows the whole audience to participate, while still focusing on the newlyweds. There is no limit to the amount of players that can participate. Guests can get to know…
Sparkle Game
Sparkle is a great group game that can be done as a warm up to get the brain thinking. Traditionally, it is played as a spelling game, but you can also do it with math problems, a memory verse, or focus on a specific subject instead. It’s a fun way to study previously learned or…
3 Games of Intimate Cooperation
1. Pucker Up You won’t kiss anyone in this game, but you won’t be far off. The game challenges you to carry a tennis ball between the mouths of two players. Get in sync with your partner or risk dropping the ball and ruining the mood. You will need 3 tennis balls per team A…