Story Starters Activity

Story Starters is a good get-to-know-you icebreaker to help people share interesting stories about themselves.  It works in groups of all sizes.  For very large groups, simply have everyone split into smaller groups of 4-6 people. Setup for Story Starters Setup of this icebreaker is flexible.  Materials required: Oxford 5″x8″ notecards and plenty of ballpoint pens. The…

Good Icebreaker Questions

Good Icebreaker Questions is simply a list of 12 good questions that you can ask to help break the ice.  These questions are fun, and generally pretty easy and safe to answer.  You can use them as an icebreaker for meetings or classrooms, written on notecards and adapted for other games, or simply as a…

Candy Introductions Activity

Candy Introductions Activity is a get-to-know-you game that helps people learn new facts about each other in an easy way.  They select various pieces of candy from a bag, and each candy variety is associated with a fact about themselves which they will introduce to the others. This game also goes by other names, including…

Beer Pong Party Game

What is it? Beer pong: the “national sport” of frat houses and party schools. Who can play? It is traditionally played by two or four people who enjoy beer and may want to get drunk. However, this game can also be enjoyable with a non-alcoholic beverage like juice or tea, and this fun game of…

Trust Walk Teambuilding Activity

The Trust Walk is a popular teambuilding activity that helps people practice trusting each other.  A leader guides his or her blindfolded partner around obstacles using verbal or nonverbal instructions. This activity is an active teambuilding activity that requires a great deal of space.  An outdoor setting with some obstacles (but nothing too dangerous!) is ideal. …

Frozen T-Shirt Race

The Frozen T-Shirt Race is an ideal icebreaker game to be played outside on a hot summer day, and is a hit amongst younger players. It’s a true ice-breaker game, as the players will work together to literally break the ice on the t-shirt. The game’s objective is simple—you must thaw out, unfold, and wear…

String Game

The String Game is an introduction-based icebreaker game and simple conversation starter that allows people to  tell others about themselves.  It’s a simple game and can be adapted according to your needs. This getting-to-know-you game usually does not take long, unless you choose to run it that way.  The recommended group size is small and…