Story Starters is a good get-to-know-you icebreaker to help people share interesting stories about themselves. It works in groups of all sizes. For very large groups, simply have everyone split into smaller groups of 4-6 people. Setup for Story Starters Setup of this icebreaker is flexible. Materials required: Oxford 5″x8″ notecards and plenty of ballpoint pens. The…
Category: Get-to-know-you
Get-to-know-you games. These icebreakers help people get to know each other better! When people don’t know each other well, a good icebreaker can be extremely useful. These activities can quickly help people get to know each others’ names and to go deeper — how do people think? What are their interests? What are their goals and deeper desires? Try these activities for the first day of class or whenever you are in a situation where you want to get to know someone better.
Good Icebreaker Questions
Good Icebreaker Questions is simply a list of 12 good questions that you can ask to help break the ice. These questions are fun, and generally pretty easy and safe to answer. You can use them as an icebreaker for meetings or classrooms, written on notecards and adapted for other games, or simply as a…
Blanket Game
The Blanket Game is a funny icebreaker to get to know other folks in the room. A large blanket is held up between two groups, and one player from each team stands behind the blanket. The goal of the game is to be the first to identify the other person behind the blanket. Materials required:…
Candy Introductions Activity
Candy Introductions Activity is a get-to-know-you game that helps people learn new facts about each other in an easy way. They select various pieces of candy from a bag, and each candy variety is associated with a fact about themselves which they will introduce to the others. This game also goes by other names, including…
Fabulous Flags Game
Fabulous Flags (also known as the Personal Flags Game) is a useful icebreaker activity to help people convey what represents them or what is important to them. Each person draws a flag that contains some symbols or objects that symbolizes who they are or what they enjoy. This get-to-know-you activity is best done indoors. Any…
Line Up Game
Line Up! is a fun icebreaker that can be useful for camps, workplace bonding, or other large group events. Work together as a team to arrange yourselves in a line based on a quality you have that is not obviously apparent. Examples of qualities to arrange to are alphabetically by middle name, chronologically according to…
Superlative Game
The Superlative Game is a simple icebreaker that asks players to line up in ascending order for various different categories (e.g. height, birthday month, etc.). It’s very easy to learn and play, and it doesn’t require a lot of time. This game can be classified as a get-to-know-you style icebreaker. The recommended group size is…
String Game
The String Game is an introduction-based icebreaker game and simple conversation starter that allows people to tell others about themselves. It’s a simple game and can be adapted according to your needs. This getting-to-know-you game usually does not take long, unless you choose to run it that way. The recommended group size is small and…
Sorts and Mingle
Sorts and Mingle is an interactive icebreaker game that helps people recognize their common and unique interests and preferences. The speaker calls out various categories and everyone moves toward various parts of the room, finding people with similar tastes as them. This game is classified as a get-to-know-you icebreaker with a little bit of active…
Unique and Shared
Unique and Shared is a get-to-know-you icebreaker game as well as a team-building activity. The game helps people see that they have more in common with their peers than they might initially realize, while highlighting their own individual strengths that they can contribute to the group. Perhaps the icebreaker can help people learn empathy skills.…